Syracuse Academy’s New Chapter in Climate Action: The CANIE Accord

Syracuse Academy is thrilled to announce its alignment with global environmental efforts by becoming a signatory of the CANIE Accord.

This milestone marks a significant commitment to climate action, in collaboration with the Climate Action Network for International Education. This strategic move signifies our dedication to embedding sustainability and environmental responsibility across our academic programs and operations, echoing our resolve to contribute actively to the global fight against climate change. Through this partnership, Syracuse Academy joins a pioneering network of institutions and organizations united in their pursuit of a more sustainable future, leveraging education as a powerful tool for environmental advocacy and change.

The CANIE Accord, developed in collaboration with leaders from various sectors including higher education, government, and corporations, sets forth an ambitious framework for the international education community to align with global climate goals. By signing this accord, Syracuse Academy commits to integrating these climate ambitions into its educational offerings, research initiatives, and campus operations, ensuring that its actions are in harmony with scientific recommendations for mitigating climate change. This commitment reflects our broader mission to foster a culture of sustainability and responsible global citizenship among our students and staff.

In the spirit of the CANIE Accord, Syracuse Academy is enhancing its curriculum to include a stronger focus on sustainability and climate science

In such a way, ensuring students are not only informed about the challenges but are also equipped to contribute to solutions. This educational evolution is part of a broader strategy to integrate sustainable practices into all aspects of the academy, from energy-efficient campus operations to community-based environmental projects. By doing so, Syracuse Academy aims to inspire a new generation of leaders who are ready to tackle the climate crisis with knowledge, innovation, and action.

Syracuse Academy’s commitment to the CANIE Accord is not just a pledge on paper

It signifies a tangible shift towards sustainable development and climate action. The academy is set to launch various initiatives, including campus-wide sustainability challenges, workshops on green technologies, and partnerships with local environmental organizations. These efforts aim to create a living laboratory for sustainability, encouraging both students and faculty to engage in practices that reduce carbon footprints, promote environmental conservation, and foster a community deeply committed to ecological responsibility. The full list of commitments made by Syracuse Academy as part of the CANIE Accord is visible on the Signatory Listing page.

As we embark on this vital journey with the CANIE Accord, we invite the entire Syracuse Academy community—students, faculty, and partners—to join in this collective endeavor for a greener future. This commitment to climate action underscores our belief in the power of education to drive meaningful change, positioning Syracuse Academy as a leader in sustainable international education and one of the first signatory organizations in Italy. Through collaborative efforts, innovation, and a shared vision, we aim to make a lasting impact on both our local and global communities, heralding a new era of environmental stewardship and responsibility.


For those interested in learning more about the CANIE Accord and how it’s shaping the future of international education in the context of climate action, visiting the CANIE website offers extensive insights and resources. There, you’ll find detailed information on the Accord’s objectives, the global network of signatories, and how to engage with this transformative initiative.

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